PentaFOLD 1.2
This algorithm is for prediction of the most probable conformational state of the protein (alpha helix [H], beta strand [E], or random coil [C]).
The algorithm works with linear amino acid sequence.
Enter amino acid sequence in the designated line of "Sequence" list.
Enter the number of the first amino acid residue (it may be different than 1).
On the "Predictions" list one will see the table containing predictions in text format (H, E or C).
There are 4 columns:
1) prediction made by the original amino acid (AA) scale only;
2) prediction made by the original pentapeptide (WO) scale only;
3) prediction of the alpha helical pattern based on the both scales;
4) prediction of the beta structural pattern based on the both scales.
On the "mono" list one will see predictions by the original amino acid propensity scale in numbers. On the "mono GR" list one will see the plot with probabilities for alpha helix, beta strand and random coil along the length of a sequence.
On the "pentapeptide" list one will see predictions by the original pentapeptide propensity scale in numbers. On the "penta GR" list one will see the plot with probabilities for alpha helix, beta strand and random coil along the length of a sequence.
Probability scales can be found on the "mono" and "pentapeptide" lists.