VVTAK Sliding Window / VVK Sliding Window
Download VVTAK SW (part 1) as a RAR archive
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Download VVK SW (old version replaced by VVTAK SW) as a RAR archive
Complete version of "VVK Sliding Window", part 1 of the RAR archive
Complete version of "VVK Sliding Window", part 2 of the RAR archive
Complete version of "VVK Sliding Window", part 3 of the RAR archive
These algorithms are for calculation of nucleotide content distribution in codon positions and sites along the length of a single coding region.
Complete version also calculates usages of missense, nonsense and synonymous sites for each type of nucleotide mutation along the length of a gene.
You should enter your nucleotide sequence in the special cell on the "sequence" list.
Then you should insert the length of a sliding window (in codons) on the "sequence" list.
Nucleotide content distribution in codon positions and sites for each sliding window will appear in the "results" list (in columns).
VVTAK algorithm requires no additional steps for building the graphs, maximal length of a coding region is equal to 2000 codons.
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