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VVTAK Long Sliding Window

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This algorithm is for calculation of nucleotide content distribution along the length of a gene (in both introns and exons).

The algorithm works with rather long nucleotide sequences (up to 100,000 nucleotides).

The sequence should be in the Ensembl output format: first line contains the heading, other lines contain 60 nucleotides.



You should enter your nucleotide sequence in the special cell on the "sequence" list.

Nucleotide content distribution along the length of a sequence will appear in the "results" list (in columns).

One may enter the number of the first nucleotide on the "results" list.



Please, cite:

Khrustalev V.V., Lelevich S.V., Barkovsky E.V. Zebra Finch glucokinase containing two homologous halves is an in silico chimera // ISRN Computational Biology. – 2013. – Vol.2013. – N. 790240. – P. 1 – 6.


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